
Wauwatosa voters will vote ontwo questions:


An operational referendum of $64.4 million over four years to maintain current day-to-day operations and student services, update curricular materials, and increase teacher pay.


A facilities referendum of $60 million over 20 years to address deferred maintenance needs at the elementary schools and to ensure that the elementary and high schools are fully accessible to people with disabilities.


TOSA 2075

By voting Yes, we can preserve small class sizes and elective learning options, attract and retain high-quality educators, and provide the support services our students need to thrive — sustaining the successful investments we've already made and ensuring that Tosa is a destination district for years to come. Learn more about the challenges facing our schools at the Tosa 2075 page.


why now?

State funding has not kept up with inflation since 2009, and our district is facing a budget shortfall of $61 million over the next five years.

Wauwatosa is not alone in its funding challenges: 60% of Wisconsin school districts have already gone to referendum since 2021, and many more will join them this fall. While our community passed a $124.9 million school facilities referendum in 2018, it funded only a portion of our facilities needs. Meanwhile, the cost of educating our students has grown, forcing our district to consider cuts that could hurt the quality of our kids’ education.


how will
this affect
your home?

Wauwatosa remains a highly desirable community, in large part because of our public schools. This translates to increased property values. While this investment will be felt in the future, many homeowners are interested in the impact to yearly costs now. Use this calculator to see what a referendum would mean for your household.

Calculate the tax impact for your property

Estimated Fair Market Property Value Find your property value



"We love Tosa schools because of the unique combination of solid academics, racial and socioeconomic diversity, tight-knit community, and a commitment to serving all children, regardless of their abilities. Our daughters (ages 13 and 10) not only have experienced academic success but also have become more independent and been given opportunities to help others in Tosa schools. We are happy to support the district's commitment to continued operations without drastic changes to curriculum, neighborhood schools, and class sizes, as well as ADA compliance."

- Vanessa and Erik, McKinley and Whitman parents

"I love the sense of community our elementary school creates. It’s a neighborhood hub for learning, playing, and socializing."

- Kelly, Lincoln and Longfellow parent

"Our boys transitioned from private schools to Tosa public schools and have had a wonderful experience academically and socially. Our school community is definitely part of why we love Tosa."

- Jessica, Longfellow parent

“My three-year-old isn’t even in school yet, obviously, but we already enjoy the exceptional walkability of our school district —there are two different elementary schools, with two different playgrounds and facilities, within feasible walking distance of us. Even before our daughter formally enrolls, those playgrounds are where we encounter our neighbors and form relationships. I’m very happy to support the upcoming referenda — I recognize that we in Wauwatosa have been getting a substantial bargain on our excellent schools for decades now, and I’m more than willing to see my taxes rise in order to help continue that tradition of excellence.”

- Derek, future Jefferson parent

"My family moved to Wauwatosa for the schools, and I've never regretted that decision. Over the past 11 years, my kids have thrived thanks to Wauwatosa School District's well-rounded programming and phenomenal teachers. I sometimes get emotional thinking about the generations of kids who've walked these same streets to our neighborhood schools, and it's vital that we come together as a community to keep our public schools strong for future generations."

- Nikki, Longfellow and East parent

"My husband (a proud Tosa East '04 grad) and I moved to Wauwatosa because we believed in the public school system. We knew we wanted kids, and we knew we wanted to lay roots where our kids could have a great future set up by a good education. We are voting YES because we want our kids to be supported at school, we want small class sizes, we want our incredible teachers to feel supported and be paid what they deserve, we want the curriculum to be updated, and we want our kids to have opportunities in sports, music, and the arts."

- Vivian, Eisenhower parent

"I’m voting yes because high quality, public school education options are critical to any city’s ability to thrive and grow and Tosa is no exception. We should all be working to ensure that our kids get the very best education possible whether you’re a parent, resident or business owner, keeping our schools intact and funded benefits all of us!"

- Monica, Lincoln parent

"My family proudly returned to Wauwatosa as we began to grow our family. Wauwatosa is a dynamic community that offers a wonderful public education experience. We see the value in our schools and know that our incredible staff, and the historic nature of our buildings needs our support in a Yes vote. We are happy to vote yes for our Tosa kids!"

- Brad and Lisa, East parents
